Once you have accessed the WordPress Manager, you can create your new staging environment as follows.
Step 1
Select the website for which you would like to create your staging environment
Step 2
Click the Staging link under Actions
Step 3
Complete the required information. You can create the staging site in one of two locations
Option 1 - Subdomain
A subdomain is something like staging.kbtutorial.com
- Domain - enter the full subdomain name i.e. staging.yoursite.com, mystaging.yoursite.com etc. (remember to replace yoursite.com with your own domain name)
- Directory - leave this blank since the staging site will be installed in the root directory
- Database - leave the database name as-is
- Click Confirm
Option 2 - Folder
A folder is something like kbtutorial.com/staging
- Domain - enter the domain name. This will normally be the same domain as your WordPress hosting service
- Directory - enter the directory name where you would like the staging site to be installed. This can be called anything.
- Database - leave the database name as-is
- Click Confirm
Congrats. Your staging site will now be created. It will take a couple of minutes to appear under your WordPress installations.